Let's get one thing straight before we begin: The Meadows apartments are NOT any kind of real apartment complex that anyone I know actually lives in, including Mike. SO THERE. That having been said..... The Plasticville apartment building shells are one of the more versatile models out there. I've procured two for my urban setups. They've been used from everything to apartments to base housing to administration buildings, they list just goes on and on. The above has used all the techniques described in the write-ups of all the other buildings on this site. ... but I gotta give you something, right? The burned mark on the above door? Y'know how that was made? EASY: Lay the building on it's side. Cut off one or several match heads from a match book and lay them on the places you want the burn marks. Light one match and touch the other match heads, which will ignite and put a nice healthy sulfurous burn mark right where you want it. The interior of the "newer" building is below:...... The Meadows Apartments The interior is pretty basic, with crayola clay couches and mattresses painted in a torn-up fashion, some model RR bits, and floors that are printed-out graphics. The top floor was actually a piece of "artsy" writing paper purchased at an arts and crafts store. It looked perfectly moldy as-is, so this was used as the flooring material here. The second building is actually the older of the two, which is evidenced by the use of "over-spraying". The way to do this is to get the color you want and just give the model a few quick spritzes in strategic places from a distance of appx 1 foot away. The rest is pretty standard, same techniques on the interior as above. |