So what's an urban setup without some trashy trailers? Not much, I say! So we've made several for various purposes. The one above is for Madame Fiona, Seer & Prostitute. I guess it pays to diversify. We've used it both in Zombietown and inour post-apocalyptic games. The shell is a metal toy trailer, with a bunch of printed out crap stuck all over it. I haunted the 'Net to get some mystical crap, and made the "list of services" and other signs myself. The sign is a wood tongue depressor shaved down and fitted. The corrugated roofs are, of course, made from old light bulb boxes, painted rusty. Trailer Trash Central
You may not be as blessed as I am if you live in a really high-class town. Every town should have it's poorer quarters, if only to offer artistic and socioeconomic contrasts. Well, enough socio-babble! Time to model some more hilbilly abodes! These were actually a set of Plasticville kits, you get three in the box. They're all the same, but you can paint them differently. The roofs didn't fit very well on to the model, but what the hell. Who cares anyway? These things should re-define the word "Podunk" when you model them. Rusty dry-brushing ws used to give the shells the proper "dinge". If you DO have a trailer park in or near your town, you can take a cue from the local residents. Things such as crinkled up foil paper to cover unused windows can be reproduced in miniature using the very materials used in actual life. Art is so "fractal" sometimes, isn't it?
Here are the roofs of the damn things. They had to be heavily embellished with chalks, lining, etc. The tar paper was, once again, paper towel pieces soaked in white glue. Then, once they were dry, they were painted black and dry-brushed tans. You may be wondering what the white crap on the center roof is. Well, there are a number of companies out there (who serve mostly rural areas) who will put industrial coatings onto ill-built roofs to keep them from leaking. Our friend Von (last name withheld due to court order) did this for a while. After some seasons, the stuff looks like crap. The interiors were kept pretty basic - just enough stuff to hint at habitation. The TV's were model railroad items, the matresses were made from crayola putty, with the indentations put into them with the end of a drinking straw. They were then painted garish colors and given a wash of ink (x-tra watery paint would work well too). |